We are delighted that our application to be on the official register of estate agents in the Valencian region has been accepted and confirmed! There are various requirements, qualifications and insurance policies that you need in order to be on the register, and it will soon be compulsory. These new regulations are to increase consumer protection for clients buying and selling properties in our region. Our registration number is RAICV 0280, and you can consult the list of all registered agents in the Alicante province by clicking here.

May be a doodle of text that says 'Vicepresidència Segona Conselleria d'Habitatge i Arquitectura Bioclimàtica Vicepresidencia Segunda y Conselleria de Vivienda Arquitectura Bioclimática Registre d'Agents d'Intermediació Immobiliaria de la Comunitat Valenciana RAICV 0000 Registro de Agentes de ntermediación Inmobiliaria de la Comunitat Valenciana RAICV 0000 無之 無'