We are delighted to announce that we are now associates of the provincial association of professional estate agents, the ASOCIACION DE AGENTES DE LA PROPIEDAD INMOBILIARIA Y AGENTES INMOBILIARIOS DE LA PROVINCIA DE ALICANTE (www.apialicante.com), which requires all its members to have the required qualifications, civil responsiblity insurance, at least 5 years experience within the sector, be registered correctly in the tax and social security systems and to have a clean criminal record. The aim is to both improve the image of professionals operating in the sector and of course to protect consumers from unscrupulous or unqualified estate agents. Many parts of Spain require estate agents to be on an official register like this, and it looks like our region is going to follow suit (https://www.informacion.es/.../api-deberan-incribirse...) We will be now displaying the logo on our advertising, to show that we are an agency you can trust!


villas fox and APIAL