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Covid vaccine in Spain: it is already known when the vaccination will begin

The Government announces that next week it will approve the complete vaccination plan against the coronavirus

There is already a date for Spain to start putting the vaccine against Covid-19 . It was announced today by the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, who has said that next week, specifically on Tuesday, the Council of Ministers will approve the vaccination schedule against the coronavirus . The vaccine will not arrive in time, far from it, to save Christmas 2020 from the closures and measures against the covid , but it offers a horizon of hope for the next year 2021.

In this way, Spain will be able to vaccinate "a substantial part" of its population, according to Pedro Sánchez, and becomes, together with Germany, the first European country with a complete and defined vaccination schedule against Covid . While this arrives, the restrictions due to the coronavirus are happening throughout the country, as well as the perimeter closures and measures to try to stop the pandemic , unleashed in many points and with a high incidence in almost all of the Spanish territory.

Covid Vaccine in Spain


At the moment, it is not known which coronavirus vaccine will be the first to be used in Spain, since there are several that are being developed at the same time. For now, Pfizer , Moderna and Astrazeneca , also known as the Oxford vaccine, seem to be the best placed, not only because of the progress of their research, but also because of the great results they have achieved so far. However, this week will also begin phase III (the massive experimentation) of another vaccine, that of Johnson & Johnson , precisely with thousands of Spanish volunteers.

The coronavirus vaccine already has a start date in Spain.

The coronavirus vaccine already has a start date in Spain. REUTERS

The European Union has agreed to purchase millions of doses of these vaccines against Covid , although it has not yet been defined which one will be chosen or if one is better situated than others. The European strategy is, for the moment, to agree to purchase millions of vials of each of the most advanced coronavirus vaccines to guarantee their availability to the European population. The vaccines will be distributed in each of the member countries, which in turn also agree to massive purchases of these vaccines with each of the companies that develop them, in direct proportion to their inhabitants. Thus, the larger the population, the more doses.

For now, in the absence of more specificity, the President of the Government Pedro Sánchez has assured today that Spain will begin to put the vaccine against Covid in the first half of next year and that, during those first six months of 2021, he hopes to have " vaccinated a substantial part of the population "of Spain; specifically, "before June", something that could save the summer.

However, while waiting for that moment, Sánchez has warned that our guard should not be lowered because "we are in for a few tough months."