Daily infections in Alicante fall to 1,358 but another 38 people die

Hospital pressure registers a sharp decrease of 148 patients but the ICUs are still as full as on Friday - Health locates 11 new outbreaks in the province, six in the school environment

Carrying out PCR tests outside the Hospital de La Vila Joiosa.

Carrying out PCR tests outside the Hospital de La Vila Joiosa. DAVID REVENGA

The new cases of coronavirus in the province fell to 1,358 between Friday and yesterday, according to the data update released by the Conselleria de Sanidad Universal y Salud Pública. This represents a drop of 40% in relation to the infections reported on Friday, and is also the lowest figure since last January 18. However, in those same 24 hours there were another 38 deaths. Thus, the total of those affected since the health crisis unleashed, almost a year ago, amounts to 129,143, and 1,981 deaths have occurred.

Although the data of daily cases must be taken with a certain reserve because it is a weekend, the tendency to remit from the third wave of the pandemic seems to be confirmed, but the volume of infections continues to be very high. In addition, its consequences are evidenced by the high number of deaths. It should be remembered, in this sense, that before the second half of January, only 30 fatalities had been exceeded in a single day on a very specific basis, but that since then it has been the practically daily trend.

Another factor where this favorable evolution can be seen is that of hospital pressure , which experiences a decrease not seen so far in previous weeks. Health centers in the province have 1,371 coronavirus patients, 148 fewer than on Friday . However, this does not hide the seriousness of many of the sick people, since the number of admitted to Intensive Care Units (ICU) of the different hospitals remains exactly the same, at 238.

Also significant is the fact that since Friday there have been 2,409 discharges in the province, much more than the number of new infections. Thus, there are already 106,662 people who have overcome the disease in the Alicante regions, while in the Community as a whole there are 290,716. Throughout the autonomous territory there are 344,098 cases and 5,371 deaths.

Health yesterday notified the location of 11 new coronavirus outbreaks in the Alicante municipalities. As on Friday, it is striking that most of them have occurred in the educational field, specifically six, in Orihuela (two outbreaks), Cox, Elda, Xàbia and Ibi, and between all there are 19 cases. Another four are of labor origin and have occurred in Benejúzar, Redován, Calp and Alicante, and add up to 28 cases, while the remainder is of labor origin and has been registered in Benidorm, with 3 cases.

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