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Infections fall 66% in the last week in the Torrevieja area (

The ten municipalities in the area have registered 130 cases between February 15 and 21 compared to 390 the previous week / At the peak of the third wave of the pandemic at the end of January, the ten municipalities of the department reached almost 1,300

Aerial image of the University Hospital of Torrevieja

Aerial image of the University Hospital of Torrevieja

The accumulated incidence in the last 14 days of coronavirus cases in the Torrevieja health department has been below 300 in the last week. Specifically, 284.90 cases per one hundred thousand inhabitants in the sum of reported cases of the ten municipalities of the health area between February 15 and 21: 130. A very significant decrease of 66% compared to the previous week in which 390 were reported , according to data provided by the Department of Public Health of La Vega Go down to the municipalities. During the peak of the third wave in late January, the department reported almost 1,300 weekly cases .

320 residents of the Torrevieja health area have lost their lives affected by the disease since the pandemic began a year ago. The data on deaths - the figure that is the last to reflect the decline in the curve - is being updated twice a week by the Generalitat Valenciana, although in a series with several "stops" that have coincided with the moment in which the curve cases was more pronounced.

The difficulty in accessing official updated data one year after the spread of the pandemic began to spread continues. Health decided a few weeks ago to limit its weekly reports to a couple of data and to express some value judgment on the evolution of the pandemic after complaints from the Torrevieja City Council about the fact that the data was being reproduced in the media and by mayors of other municipalities such as Guardamar and Los Montesinos - while the Torrevieja City Council, despite having these data sent by email every Monday, did not inform its neighbors.

The health management concessionaire, Ribera Salud, does not officially report data on hospital occupancy, cases, or deaths. The department is made up of the municipalities of Torrevieja, Orihuela Costa, Pilar de la Horadada, Rojales, Guardamar del Segura, San Miguel de Salinas, San Fulgencio, Formentera del Segura, Benijófar and Los Montesinos with an estimated population of about 160,000 residents.

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