The Regional Health Department begins to vaccinate non-residents in the Community who prove more than one month of stay


The protocol establishes that tourists must register in the SIP to be able to include them in the registry and cite them in their age group or risk - The measure is mainly aimed at those who have second residences

The province is already heading for the summer tourist campaign in the middle of the vaccination process.  |

The province is already heading for the summer tourist campaign in the middle of the vaccination process. | DAVID REVENGA

The influx of national and international tourists who begin to arrive, covid through, to the Valencian Community, is one of the most identifying features of autonomy. At the gates of June and with the first travelers arriving on the Levantine coast and in the interior of the Community, Health has drawn up instructions to carry out the vaccination of all these people who, not being registered in the autonomy, their stay is longer than 30 days. The conselleria's instructions indicate that, all of them, "will be vaccinated according to their classification in the population information system (SIP)."

The process of immunization against covid in the Community is planned in accordance with the provisions of the National Vaccination Strategy, that is, "guarantee the vaccination of all people according to the risk group to which they belong."

Thus, all those not registered who need, by age or risk group , to inoculate the vaccine, must register with the SIP at the health center, joining the corresponding citation process.

In the event that these people request to complete the immunization, the protocol establishes "prove the date of vaccination, type of vaccine and place where it was received."

Different vials

Some tourists with second homes have already claimed the second dose of the vaccine in the Valencian territory. Coming from England and northern Europe, they have landed in the health centers of the province with their identification document to request either the second dose or the complete schedule, depending on their age and the situation in which they are. Obstacles? The lack of information on immunization in your country and the language barrier. «Many of them don't speak Spanish well. Some come without a translator, a fact that makes it even more difficult to communicate with them, ”says a health worker.

A British woman who was administered the AstraZeneca serum in her country of origin, by age, in the province it was Pfizer. «When it was noted in the nominal vaccination registry, it did not report that first dose. Soon after, a family member came who, with a little more command of the language, explained that the first doses of both were with AstraZeneca, like most of the United Kingdom, “they indicate from Primary Care. The professionals had to notify the case to Public Health for follow-up.

Thus, health workers explain that " this system does not allow registering a second vaccine other than the first , so it is referred to Public Health to decide individually, which drug is administered." They also comment on the problem that these months may pose, “due to the influx of citizens who arrive without proof of their immunization in their country of origin. Hence the importance of a European and national registry, to avoid this type of situation. The main thing is to vaccinate as soon as possible to achieve herd immunity », they reiterate.

Summer with order and control

As it is an autonomy that receives national and international tourists, the summer “should be a bit like the previous one, with a series of measures such as the control of nightlife and drinking bottles. I believe that we will have to continue to maintain precautions, "says Juan Francisco Navarro, president of the Valencian Society of Preventive Medicine, who also believes that" orderly departures of tourists and complying with a control, especially, of countries that have a higher vaccination rate than us, it will not hurt us at all and will reactivate the economy.

Regarding the masks, the star element of the pandemic, the doctor affirms that “ abroad, the use of the mask could be perfectly relaxed in vaccinated and unvaccinated patients . In the open air, with the disease that is transmitted by aerosols, there will be no problem, ” says Navarro.

"In children, adolescents and young people there may be a wide spread of viruses and outbreaks"

The president of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig, announced on Sunday that 351,000 vaccines will be inoculated next week, a record numbersince the vaccination process began. The head of the Consell insisted that June will be the key month in order to achieve a degree of immunity among the population as soon as possible, so that this allows the economic recovery to be faced with security. In addition, "this increased rate will allow us to reach the end of the week with three million doses administered," he said. Puig appealed to the public not to relax prudence and compliance with protection regulations, because "the virus is still there and in recent days we have noticed a slight increase that we have to stop." He stressed that the population must be aware that "we are still in a pandemic and that the latest measures that allow greater mobility can lead to an increase in infections." A) Yes, "We cannot take steps back because it would be very negative , and if we want to reach the gates of summer with the situation we have, we must continue combining vaccination with prevention, "he insisted.

The Generalitat expects to reach three million doses administered during this week

The speed in vaccinating pursues the herd immunity planned by Ximo Puig for September. Despite being set at around 70%, “when the diseases are highly contagious, that percentage rises, as in measles, which should not be less than 85%. In this case, talking about herd immunity but for the adult population, over 30 or 40 years old, which is the one that is vaccinated in those proportions, not for children and young people ", adds Juan Francisco Navarro, president of the Valencian Society of Preventive medicine. With that amount vaccinated, «it is as if you achieved that 70% you no longer have to worry but it is not like that"In children, adolescents and young people, immunization will be pending, where there may be a wide spread of the virus and outbreaks". Regarding when this quota of vaccinated population will be reached, the expert points out that “if the vaccination rhythm is maintained, and the provision of vaccines is guaranteed, of course it can be achieved. But everything will depend on the availability of vaccines. The only option to defeat this virus is immunization and "vaccinate the entire population as soon as possible." Also including those under 18 years of age.

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