The airport serves 6,000 tourists on the first day of border reopening (

All foreign passengers except if they arrive from Brazil, South Africa or India can enter Spain proving that they are vaccinated or with a negative PCR - Health already issues - in person or online - the covid certificate that speeds up travel

About twelve thousand travelers passed through the airport terminal yesterday, a good figure since it was also a Monday.  |  HÉCTOR FUENTES

About twelve thousand travelers passed through the airport terminal yesterday, a good figure since it was also a Monday. | HÉCTOR FUENTES

Six thousand tourists arrive by plane to the Costa Blanca on the first day of the total opening of Spain to travelers from all over the world. The Alicante-Elche airport -123 flights scheduled this Monday-, allows entry without special restrictions to passengers who prove they have the green covid certificate . That is, without having to wait for queues or stop in front of an official because a special corridor has been set up in which there are devices that directly detect the QR code where the information appears. Travelers must be vaccinated (double guideline or with the Janssen), have passed the COVID and prove it 180 days ago, carry a negative PCR,or an antigen test issued 48 hours before traveling. The border is open to travelers who prove to be vaccinated against covid from third countries to the European Union and countries associated with Schengen, except India - they are not prohibited from entering but are obliged to keep a ten-day quarantine - Brazil and South Africa. With a mandatory 10-day quarantine, only India is currently available, but there is also a limitation on travel from Brazil or South Africa.

This is reflected in an order published in the Official State Gazette that entered into force yesterday, and by which the criteria for the application of the temporary restriction of non-essential travel from third countries to the EU and Schengen associated countries are modified. The vaccines accepted to date by the EMA or WHO are Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Janssen, Sinopharm / Sinovac-Coronavac, the Chinese vaccine.

Yesterday, around 12,000 passengers passed through the provincial airport terminal on the 123 flights scheduled by Aena. Of these 24 were with the United Kingdom , whose airlines continue to operate with the province despite the fact that Spain is still in "amber", which requires that passengers from Spain must keep a 10-day quarantine at home and prove that they are free of covid with two PCR. The airport had connections on Monday with London, Eindhoven, Liverpool, Brussels, Moscow, Amsterdam, Bordeaux, Milan, Dublin, Tolousse, Zurich, Rotterdam, Oslo, Teeside, Manchester, East Midlands, Bournemouth and Bristol, apart from the usual destinations national, where it is not necessary to prove anything.

The Ministry of Health issues since yesterday - via telematics or in person - the digital green certificate in its three models. The certificate is an EU proposal to safely facilitate the free movement of citizens in the EU during the pandemic. It is intended to function as a "fast track" or fast circuit in order to speed up entry and exit procedures between the countries of the Union. Countries can now start issuing and using it and it will be available in all EU Member States from July 1, 2021.

The certificates are issued free of charge in electronic or paper version, at the request of the citizen with their SIP card. It can be requested in the coronavirus portal ( , in the GVA + Health App or the patient portal. All of them meet the security criteria required by the Spanish Data Protection Agency. In addition, the possibility of obtaining a face-to-face certificate is contemplated by requesting an appointment at the health center.

There are three types of certificate in which the QR accreditation is collected digitally and that will contain the essential information and the digital signature that gives it validity. The first accredits that the person has received one or two doses of one of the vaccines against covid. The validity of this certificate is 365 days after the vaccination date. A second confirms that the person has recovered from the disease after having confirmed the presence of the virus by means of a positive PCR test up to 180 days later. And a third in which the person has a negative result of a diagnostic test, which can be PCR (72 hours) or antigen test (48 hours).

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