The Consell will extend the covid passport requirement until February 28

The Generalitat asks the TSJ for endorsement and the spaces in which it is necessary to show the certificate will remain the same

A client shows the covid passport to access a local in Elche

A client shows the covid passport to access a local in Elche

The covid passport requirement to access the interior of bars, restaurants and other interior spaces such as gyms or cinemas will remain in place for at least one more month, until February 28. This was announced this Thursday by the President of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig, together with the Minister of Health, Ana Barceló, at the press conference after the meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission. The Generalitat has already requested the endorsement of the High Court of Justice of the Valencian Community for this extension, which will rule in the next few hours.

Regarding the spaces where it will be required to show it, they will remain the same, Puig pointed out. The covid passport requirement was implemented at the beginning of December and although it has not stopped the increase in infections, for the president of the Generalitat it has served to encourage many undecided people to get vaccinated, specifically 132,000 people since its entry into force was announced.

Along with the covid passport, the Generalitat wants to continue promoting vaccination, specifically that of children and the administration of third doses to the population over 18 years of age. To speed them up, Puig recalled that as of Monday, new mass vaccination spaces will open, in Alicante at the field hospital located in the Alicante General Hospital.

The president insists that despite the substantial increase in infections caused by the omicron variant in the last month, at the moment hospital admissions are 2.5 times lower than a year ago and in Intensive Care Units there are three times fewer patients than in January 2021.

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