The University Hospital of Torrevieja has 15 covid patients on the wards and one in Intensive Care

The health area has registered 200 confirmed cases in the last 14 days / Hospital occupancy, although increasing, is significantly lower than in March-April

Image of the access to the Emergency Department of the Torrevieja University Hospital

The Torrevieja University Hospital currently registers fifteen patients admitted to the plant for coronavirus and one in the Intensive Care Unit, as INFORMATION has been able to confirm During the last days the number of patients admitted has been fluctuating daily between 15 and 20 patients admitted in total.

The percentage of occupation of covid patients in the hospital that assists the population of eleven municipalities of the Vega Baja is much lower than during the maximum peak of the first wave of the pandemic - end of March, beginning of April - although the pressure care has been increasing gradually in recent weeks.

An upward evolution, although not as abrupt as in March, despite the fact that the number of covid cases detected among the population in the last 14 days represents more than 20% of the total of those diagnosed since the pandemic began in March: 216 of a total of 953, according to the latest statistics from the Ministry of Health. Torrevieja accounts for most of the cases (603, 63% of the total), although there have also been important outbreaks in Pilar de la Horadada (137 positive since March) or Guardamar del Segura (56).

The Torrevieja health department, which encompasses eleven municipalities, has exceeded 950 infections since March. There have been 60 deaths from coronavirus since then. The last one yesterday. Deaths and infections are concentrated in the city of Torrevieja.

In the Torrevieja health department there have been 60 deaths of patients with covid 19 since the end of March. The last one notified today Friday in the public system of data dissemination of the Generalitat Valenciana.

In the months of March and April, the hospital housed up to 60 patients on floor 0 of the center - two patients per room were admitted for the first time since the center began operating fifteen years ago - while the ICU was saw overwhelmed. At the busiest times, the Hospital had a specific ICU for Covid patients, with 18 beds, a parallel ICU for seriously ill patients with other pathologies, and it also provided a surgical resuscitation area for ICU patients.

The management of the Torrevieja University Hospital has summoned all the mayors to a telematic meeting for next Wednesday to report on the situation of the pandemic fifteen days after the last meeting.

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