Christmas measures Valencian Community: Health announces Christmas restrictions due to coronavirus in the Valencian Community

The adaptation of the Consell's anticovid Christmas measures includes Saint Stephen's Day, deeply rooted in the C. Valenciana

Health announces Christmas restrictions due to coronavirus in the Valencian Community

Health announces Christmas restrictions due to coronavirus in the Valencian Community

The Christmas 2020 will be marked by the coronavirus , as evidenced by the new regulations announced the president of the Generalitat Valenciana , Ximo Puig, and the Regional Minister of Health, Ana Barceló. In an appearance from the Palau after the interdepartmental meeting, Puig and Barceló have confirmed the extension of the general measures until next January 15, in addition to specifying the Christmas restrictions due to coronavirus in the Valencian Community.

Perimeter confinement

The president of the Generalitat has announced that he is extending the perimeter confinement of the Valencian Community until January 15. In other words, the restriction on entering and leaving Valencian territory will remain in force until 2021, with the exceptions known as going to work.

Likewise, exceptionally, on December 23, 24, 25, 31 and January 1, movements to other territories that are places of residence of close relatives are authorized . 

Night confinement

The curfew has also been extended until January 15 , but, exceptionally, on December 24, 25 and 31 and on January 1 it will be extended until 1.30 a.m.

Family meetings

The number of people at the same table may not exceed six until January 15. On December 24, 25, 26, 31 and January 1, exceptionally, dinners and lunches with close family members may be of up to 10 people. The president of the Generalitat has recommended that the meetings be between a maximum of two cohabiting groups.

Christmas 2020 measures: Sanitat announces specific restrictions


The Minister of Health, Ana Barceló, has ensured that the health security measures are being expanded because the Valencia Region continues to have "a high risk level" and "in the social sphere is where the maximum infections occur".


In this sense, exceptionally, on December 24, 25, 26, 31 and January 1, the hotel business at Christmas will be open until 1:00 a.m. and customers will be able to return home until 1:30 a.m., as the new Christmas measures. In other words, the clientele will be able to return home with a margin of half an hour. 

Capacity at the tables

The new measures for Christmas also affect the number of people who can get together, that is, to family gatherings for Christmas. The tables of the bars and restaurants can only be made up of six people, but exceptionally, the tables of family members or cohabiters can reach up to ten. 

The Minister of Health has recalled the current measures such as extreme ventilation, not eating from the same plate and wearing masks unless you are eating or drinking.

Christmas events

Only static 3 Kings events will be allowed, avoiding crowding and inputs and outputs clear and safe. Inside the enclosure the required mask and the hydroalcoholic gel must be worn. Exceptionally, it might be allowed to have 3 Kings parades but without crowds, with the possibility of watching the parade from the balcony, and without throwing candy or toys. The popular Christmas races like San Silvestre are totally prohibited.

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