Puig studies toughening measures without decreeing closures of premises

The Consell considers limiting family reunions to six people at Christmas and lowering the curfew on holidays - Decisions will go through the commission where Oltra and Dalmau are

Puig, yesterday, with the presidents of the councils, the councilor Rosa Pérez and Rubén Alfaro.  |

Puig, yesterday, with the presidents of the councils, the councilor Rosa Pérez and Rubén Alfaro. | EFE

The Consell has been in a period of reflection since yesterday on tightening mobility restrictions once the incidence of the pandemic worsens one more day and the Ministry of Health has authorized the communities in this situation to be more strict.

The chief executive, Ximo Puig, met yesterday afternoon with the head of Health, Ana Barceló , after her participation in the Interterritorial Council of the Health System. And in the next few hours it could convene the interdepartmental commission to close any decision for Christmas with the leaders of the partners in the government coalition. At the moment, there is nothing on the agenda.

Everything is open, they assured last night in the surroundings of the "president". However, the context is favorable to the adoption of more severe restrictions : most European countries are opting for this path, the data on infections and accumulated incidence of the disease are not positive in recent days and the President of the Government himself Pedro Sánchez, assured yesterday in Congress that, "if the Christmas plan must be hardened," he would not hesitate to propose it to the autonomies.

The Valencian Executive has opted for a position of "balance", with mobility, capacity and curfew limitations but without closures of some economic sectors , as other communities have decided. Puig is inclined to insist on the path started and avoid rudder changes. In any case, the Palau does contemplate as a very possible option to toughen some of the measures already in force to send a message to the public that it is important not to relax.

The limitation of family gatherings of ten to six people during the Christmas holidays and the restriction of the curfew on the 24th and 31st (it is now announced at 1.30am the following morning) are some of the decisions that are being considered.

The Consell also considers it necessary to ensure that the measures already decreed are complied with. That means more control of capacity and mobility. In this sense, the Executive has insisted in the last hours on the need to guarantee the perimeter closure of the Valencian Community . Minister Salvador Illa stressed yesterday that at Christmas mobility between communities is not tolerated, with exceptions.

The leader of the PSPV also has pressure within the Executive. The vice president, Mónica Oltra, demonstrated again yesterday in favor of increasing the restrictions at Christmas. This was one of the reasons for the last public disagreement between the partners, although yesterday the tone of the Compromís leader was different from that of weeks ago. He said that Puig has already advanced that if the situation worsens, he will go to greater restrictions, "and I agree." “Right now the vaccine is to stay at home. I advocate for more restrictions and for people to behave appropriately to the situation we live in, "he added.

Puig warned for his part that "there are some extraordinarily complicated months left" and asked for "maximum caution" at Christmas to "save lives."

The vice president advocates for more restrictions when the Valencian Community becomes among those with the highest incidence

Illa reported yesterday that there are eight communities where the increase in the incidence of infections is higher, so it is necessary to take measures with "promptness and agility."

The Valencian Community is one of these , which is one more pressure factor. The accumulated incidence in the last 14 days continues to increase, as does the positivity rate, which continues to be the highest in Spain, although hospital pressure registers a slight decrease in admissions.

The cumulative incidence stands at 239 cases per 100,000 inhabitants compared to 227.31 on Tuesday. It is above the national average (201.16). The Valencian Community is the fourth with the highest rates.

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