The worst week in infections of the entire coronavirus pandemic in the Valencian Community ends

The week before Christmas a total of 13,457 new cases of covid have been registered in the Valencian Community

The hug between a daughter and her father, sick with COVID 19, protagonist of EFE's Christmas postcard

The hug between a daughter and her father, sick with COVID 19, protagonist of EFE's Christmas postcard

The week before Christmas, a total of 13,457 new cases of covid have been registered in the Valencian Community , almost double than the previous one and an average of 2,242 daily infections, which have made it the worst of the entire pandemic in number of positive cases .

    The third week of December has also registered an increase of 35.6% in the accumulated incidence over fourteen days, since it has gone from 200.27 cases per one hundred thousand inhabitants a week ago to 271.72 , well above the average. national (214'12) and only surpassed by the Balearic Islands and Madrid.

Contagions: up 98.84%

    Week 51 of the year leaves a sharp upturn in the contagion curve , since between Monday and Saturday a total of 13,457 infections have been reported, which are 6,655 more than the 6,802 of the previous week, in which the Ministry of Health gave data from Monday to Friday, and an increase of 98.84%.

    In this way, what had been the worst week of the pandemic, the second in November, in which there were 11,112 cases, has been surpassed and from there they began to decline until this abrupt change in trend.

    Only the province of Valencia has had more cases this week than the entire Community last week, with 8,375, while in Alicante 3,767 have been reported and in Castellón 1,314, in a week with more than two thousand cases daily and that on Tuesday reached the record for the pandemic: 2,841 infections in one day, an average of almost two infections per minute.

The percentage of active cases has risen 1.45 points and closes the week at 10.01%, while the positivity rate (the percentage of positives over the total PCR performed) has reached 16.78%, the most high in Spain and practically double the national average (8'48).

  Deaths: up 31.73%

    After three weeks of decline in the figures, deaths from coronavirus in the Community have risen again : there have been 137 compared to 104 the previous week, which represents an increase of 31.73%. Since the second week of November, there are more than a hundred deaths every week.

Of the total number of deaths (87 in Valencia, 35 in Alicante and 15 in Castellón), 40 were elderly who lived in residences, which is 25 more than a week before and represents an increase of 166.6%. Infections are also growing in residents (from 134 to 339) and in workers at these centers (from 63 to 148).

    According to statistics from the Ministry of Health, the Community is also the autonomy that has reported the most deaths from covid in the last seven days .

Hospitalizations: 1.31% more, 7.92% less in ICU

    The Valencian Community closes the week with 1,154 people with covid admitted to hospitals, which are 15 more than seven days before and an increase of 1.31%, after four consecutive weeks of decreases.

    Of these patients, 221 are in intensive care units, which are nineteen less than a week before and a decrease of 7.92%, in what is the fourth week in a row in which they fall.

    According to data from the Ministry, covid patients occupy 23% of ICU beds , almost one point less than a week earlier, although it is 2.9 points above the Spanish average.


Cumulative incidence: up 71 points

    One of the indicators that further reflects a worsening in the trend is that of the cumulative incidence over fourteen days, which in the Community has risen 71'45 points in one week and is currently at 271'72 positive cases per one hundred thousand inhabitants only surpassed by the Balearic Islands (386'42) and Madrid (276'99).

    The evolution of this indicator and of infections is what has led the Generalitat to adopt our restrictions, which will come into force on the same day that winter begins and in the week in which vaccinations are scheduled to begin that Sunday.

Outbreaks: up 25%

    Covid outbreaks have also grown, since it has gone from 223 last week to 280 this week (193 in Valencia, 66 in Alicante and 21 in Castellón), which represents 57 more and an increase of 25'26 %.

    The outbreaks of the previous week affected 1,095 people, and those of this to a total of 1,554, representing an increase of 41.91%. 

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