Please note that this was translated from the official page at  on 8th January 2021 at 11am, and you should check the official page for any changes.


New measures in the Valencian Community in order to protect the health of the population from 01/07/2021  


Limitation of entry and exit in the Valencian Community until January 31

Autonomous perimeter confinement is established  The restriction on entering and leaving the territory of the Valencian Community will remain in force until January 31, with the sole exception of the exceptional cases contemplated in the regulation. These are cases such as return to habitual residence, care for a dependent family member, official examinations, travel to the workplace, assistance to health centers or cases of force majeure. 

Maximum number of people in socio-family meetings

The maximum number of people in social and family gatherings is restricted to 6 , both in public and private spaces, except cohabitants.

Hotel and restaurant establishments

The  hospitality industry closes at 5:00 p.m.

The maximum number of people at tables is restricted to 4, both indoors and on terraces

Night mobility restrictions

The restriction to night mobility is increased , limiting circulation between 8:00 p.m. at night and 6:00 a.m. in the morning.

Premises and Shopping Centers

The allowed capacity in large commercial areas and retail stores is reduced to 30% , except in essential establishments where the capacity will be 50%.

Additional measures in the Valencian Community, as a consequence of the health crisis situation caused by COVID-19. 

Regarding events or activities with concentration of people : It is not allowed to carry out any event or activity with concentration of people.

Sports competitions: It is not allowed the participation of people enrolled in the educational stages of Infant and Primary in events and in sports competitions organized by people or public or private entities, within the framework of Sports Games, federated sports or non-federated sports .

Commerce:Commercial establishments and premises and professional services activities, regardless of their useful display and sales area, will have to reduce the total capacity of establishments and premises by 30%. In the case of establishments or premises distributed over several floors, the presence of customers in each of them will have to keep this same proportion. All establishments and commercial premises and professional services activities that have them will reduce to 30% the capacity of the car parks or spaces for the parking of their clients' vehicles. Except from the above, the commercial activity of establishments and commercial premises dedicated to the essential trade of food, pharmacies, orthopedics, opticians, hairdressing services and veterinary centers;

Catering and hospitality : The occupation of the tables will be a maximum of 4 people per table or groups of tables. The distance between tables will be 2 meters inside establishments and 1.5 meters on outdoor terraces. Consumption will always be sitting at the table. The use of a mask will be necessary when it is not being consumed. The maximum capacity allowed must be visible at the entrance. The catering and hospitality establishments will conclude their activity at 5:00 p.m., and the clientele will not be able to stay in the establishment outside the permitted hours.

Smoking is not allowed on public roads , beaches or other outdoor spaces, when it is not possible to maintain the minimum interpersonal safety distance of at least 2 meters. In any case, smoking outdoors is prohibited on terraces of cafes and bars


Perimeter trust of municipalities with critical incidence.


In municipalities with perimeter confinement, the precautionary closure of the following establishments and spaces is established : Social centers, casinos, clubs and establishments of a similar nature; bars, restaurants and other leisure establishments in the municipality, unless they provide take away or home food service; gyms and sports centers of all kinds, and parks and gardens.

In addition, in these 29 municipalities the capacity for wakes, burials and funeral ceremonies are modified, so that they can be held in all types of facilities, public or private, with a capacity of 30% and a maximum limit of 15 people in outdoor spaces. outdoors or 10 people indoors.

In the case of other celebrations such as weddings or baptisms, the capacity is limited to 1/3, with a maximum of 15 people in outdoor spaces or 10 people in closed spaces, among family members and close friends.

Private vehicles

Shared use of private vehicles is allowed, all users wearing a mask. However, people residing in the same home may share, without the use of a mask, the same vehicle.

In the case of motorcycles (driver and passenger) it is mandatory to wear gloves and a full face helmet with a visor or mask, if they do not live in the same address.


Interpersonal safety distance

Maintaining the established interpersonal safety distance of at least 1.5 meters or, failing that, alternative physical protection measures must be complied with, with the use of a suitable hygiene mask and respiratory tag.

Mandatory use of masks

People six years of age and older are obliged to use the mask at all times on public roads, in outdoor spaces and in closed spaces for public use or open to the public.
The use of masks in private open or closed spaces is recommended when there is confluence with people who do not live together or the interpersonal safety distance of 1.5 meters cannot be guaranteed.
The use of the mask will not be mandatory in the following cases:
a) During the practice of physical activity or any other activity with which its use is incompatible.
b) In children's and youth leisure activities while staying with the stable coexistence group.
c) In spaces of nature or outdoors outside population centers, beaches and swimming pools, as long as the influx of people allows maintaining the interpersonal distance of 1.5 meters.
The obligation contained in the previous sections will not be enforceable for people who present any type of illness or
Breathing difficulty that may be aggravated by the use of a mask or that due to their situation of disability or dependence do not have autonomy to remove the mask, or have behavioral alterations that make its use unfeasible and in cases of force majeure or situation of need.

Social Contact


Health and safety measures

During social contacts with non-cohabitating third parties, the established safety and hygiene measures must be respected: use of masks, mandatory or recommended depending on the case, minimum safety distance, alternative physical protection measures if not possible, hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette. .


Physical activity and walks

Any type of restriction for walks and individual non-professional sports activity that had been established during the validity of the alarm state is eliminated.


Sport and sports shows

Average training in federated non-professional leagues

Athletes integrated in clubs participating in federated non-professional leagues may carry out tactical training in groups of up to a maximum of 30 people, avoiding physical contact.

Indoor and outdoor sports facilities and sports centers will be organized in hourly shifts and activity is allowed in groups of up to 20 people in closed spaces and 30 in open spaces, without physical contact. Changing rooms may be used.

Opening of sports pools

You can open the outdoor or indoor pools for sports activities. Athletes integrated, through the corresponding license, in the sports federation whose sports modalities and specialties are developed in the aquatic environment have preferential access; swimming, life-saving and life-saving, triathlon, modern pant and underwater activities.

Sports pools will not exceed the maximum capacity that guarantees the safety distance of one person per 4m2, or if they are group classes, they will be held with a maximum of 10 people.


Recreational pools and beaches

Recreational pools

Recreational pools can be opened to the public, as well as those of tourist accommodation and private urbanizations, and they can be accessed by anyone as long as the maximum capacity of 50% in the open air and 1/3 in closed facilities is maintained. 

If the safety distance between users cannot be maintained, the capacity will be reduced.

The hygiene and prevention regulations will be reminded to the users of swimming pools and beaches through visible posters or public address messages, as well as the need to leave the facility in the event of any symptoms compatible with COVID-19.

A spatial distribution of users must be established to guarantee the safety distance by means of signs on the ground limiting the spaces. Personal items, such as towels, must remain within the security perimeter.


In the areas where the users stay, a spatial distribution must be established to guarantee a safety distance of at least two meters between the users by means of signs on the ground limiting the spaces.

All personal items, such as towels, sun loungers and similar items, must remain within the established two-meter security perimeter, avoiding contact with other users.

It is recommended that the shafts of the umbrellas are not installed at distances less than 4 meters.

The practice of sports, professional or recreational activities is allowed, provided they can be carried out individually and without physical contact, allowing a minimum distance of two meters between the participants to be maintained.

You can use the showers, toilets and changing rooms, limiting the occupation to one person.

See more about Beaches and Tourism


Active turism

Active tourism and nature activities can be carried out in groups of up to 30 people, these activities having to be arranged preferably by appointment.

The tourist guide activity is allowed, preferably by appointment and groups will be a maximum of 15 people outdoors and 10 indoors.

See also the Companies page to see the conditions of opening and access to hotels, resorts, spas, etc. 


Schools and playgrounds

In private nursery schools and municipal nursery schools that teach the first cycle of nursery education from 0 to 3 years, the allowed capacity will be 75% of the places authorized for each center.
The number of participants per classroom will depend on the size of each classroom and the ratio of 2.25 m² per person will be applied in all cases.
In recreational playgrounds , children must maintain a safety distance of 1.5m, unless they are cohabiting, there is no such limit.

Congresses, Conferences and Fairs

Congresses, meetings, business meetings and conferences will be allowed in convention halls, conference rooms, multipurpose rooms and other similar establishments and facilities.


Capacity and safety distance

At all times, these events must comply with the obligations of physical distance, without exceeding a capacity of 50% in any case, and the non-contact participation of those who can provide their activity at a distance must be encouraged.

This limitation will also apply to the realization, by individuals and legal entities, public and private, of informative and outreach activities and workshops in the field of scientific and technical research, development and innovation, aimed at all types public, and whose objective is the learning and dissemination of content related to R & D & I. 

When the interpersonal safety distance cannot be guaranteed, protective equipment appropriate to the level of risk must be available.

Conditions of access

See also the Culture page to see the conditions of access to cultural centers, libraries, cinemas and theaters, exhibition halls, etc.


Free time activities for children and young people

Outdoor activities

When the activities are carried out outdoors, the number of participants must be limited to 50% of the usual maximum capacity.


Mobility aid

Aid for the purchase and electrification of bicycles and urban mobility vehicles

In order to promote sustainable mobility, the Department of Territorial Policy, Public Works and Mobility has approved aid aimed at subsidizing the purchase of bicycles, either conventional or electric, as well as for the electrification of bicycles. Aid is also granted for the purchase of electric personal mobility vehicles (VMP).

The only requirement to apply for the aid is to be a natural person and resident in the Valencian Community.

The aid can be requested from June 22 to November 10.

The amounts subsidized are different depending on the type of aid that is requested. (They range from € 75 to € 250).

The person who wishes to purchase a bicycle or electrification kit must go to a trade or store that is attached to the call. The list of affiliated shops and stores appears in the link included at the end of this paragraph. The business or store will present the request for help on behalf of the interested person, and once granted, it will formalize the sale and proceed to deduct its amount from the sale price. Subsequently, the attached store or business requests the payment of the aid through the telematic procedure enabled for this purpose.