Good morning, as I always say I would like to give you good news, but unfortunately I do not have it, quite the contrary, the contagion data in San Miguel continues to increase at an alarming rate, although we already knew that this would be the case.
The cumulative incidence in the department of Torrevieja currently stands at 729.11 per 100,000 inhabitants, being our town the most punished in number of positives, since last week we have 40 more positives going to an incidence of 1823.00 per every 100,000 h. with which we have increased about 700 incidence in a week. As you know from the City Council, we have implemented the measures in which we have competence, measures that remain in force and that we will maintain as long as the incidence curve is not reversed.
I ask you from the heart, that each one contributes his grain of sand and that no one relax:
Safety distance
Go out the essentials and return to the "Stay at home" voluntarily.
think about the danger not only of infecting ourselves but also of whom we can infect, I know it is stressful but remember for a moment how the medical staff are going through.
Thank you for your collaboration and take good care of yourselves