Restrictions in the Valencian Community: check all the new measures

Ximo Puig announces the total closure of the hotel industry and commerce at 6:00 p.m. - The Consell requests the Government to advance the curfew at 8:00 p.m.

Police controls in Alcoy to monitor the perimeter closure of the town.

Police controls in Alcoy to monitor the perimeter closure of the town. JUANI RUZ

The Generalitat Valenciana has decided to decree the closure of the hostelry industry , among other restrictions such as the closure of shops at 6:00 p.m. , given the expansion of the coronavirus pandemic in the Valencian Community. The 'president' of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig , has appeared to explain the new measures after the meeting of the interdepartmental commission for the prevention and updating of Covid-19 that was held this morning.

Below, we summarize the new restrictions for the provinces of Alicante, Valencia and Castellón that will come into force as of Thursday, January 21 and for 14 days :

  • Total closure of the hotel business in the Valencian Community and only take-out service is allowed, either distributed in premises or through delivery men.
  • Commerce closes at 6:00 p.m. , with the exception of essential services such as food and pharmacies.
  • The Consell asks the Government the advancement of the curfew at 20.00 . At the moment, it is held at 22.00.
  • The perimeter closure of the Valencian Community and the meetings of 6 people are maintained.
  • Closure of all sports facilities except professionals.
  • Cessation of the activity of bingo halls, casinos, arcades and betting.
  • Precautionary closure of recreational centers for the elderly, retirement homes, youth homes and toy libraries.  It also applies to places where festive activities take place.
  • Prohibition of visits to university residences.
  • Tomorrow the lockdown of the 29 municipalities of the Valencian Community will be relaxed: Alcoy, Castalla, Polop, Llíria, Massanassa, Ayora, Utiel, Sedaví, Sollana, Guadassuar, Oliva, Daimús, Canals, Benigànim, Xàtiva, Moixent, Ontinyent, Cheste , Sinarcas, Anna, Quatretonda, Bonrepòs i Mirambell, Alfafar, Benetússer, Llocnou de la Corona, Borriol, Atzeneta del Maestrat, Soneja and Jérica
All restrictions announced by Ximo Puig for the provinces of Alicante, Valencia and Castellón.
From Thursday 21st January, bars and restaurants to close except for takeaways. All non-essential businesses to close by 6pm. Curfew still at 10pm but they are going to ask the government if they can change this to 8pm. Restrictions on entering and leaving the region of Valencia (except for justifiable reasons) to remain in place. Maximum of 6 person in social or family meetings to remain. All sporting installations to close (except for professional sportsmen and women). Until the 31st January (although I think it´s supposed to be 14 days duration, so that date might be wrong)

All restrictions announced by Ximo Puig for the provinces of Alicante, Valencia and Castellón.

The announcement of the new measures comes after the Valencian Community has notified this Monday about a hundred deaths, specifically 95 since the last update on Saturday, of which 41 were residents. Autonomy triples the rate in a month with 896 infections per 100,000 inhabitants , ranking sixth among the communities and above the average for Spain.

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