The incidence of the coronavirus in the province of Alicante remains at less than 30 and the ten health areas are already at low risk

In departments such as Alcoy, Elche-Crevillent and Elda there have hardly been infections in recent days and in the entire Marina Alta there are only 20 active cases

Image of the General Hospital of Elche in the hardest of the third wave of the coronavirus pandemic.

Image of the General Hospital of Elche in the hardest of the third wave of the coronavirus pandemic.

The incidence of the coronavirus in the province of Alicante is already below 30 cases per 100,000 inhabitants and the ten health areas are at low risk , according to the data published this Friday by the Department of Universal Health and Public Health . The average rate of the demarcation is 29.88 , and in the department of Dénia , which has a more favorable situation, it is only 11.65. The highest indicators are those of the General Hospital of Alicante (43.51) and Orihuela (42.82), although its evolution has been positive since the previous revision of the figures, last Tuesday, like that of almost all other areas.

The only exception is that of the health department of La Vila Joiosa , whose incidence is exactly the same as three days ago: 19.43 . In this area there are 36 active cases, and since Tuesday 12 infections have been diagnosed In the next few days it will be seen if this is a simple anecdote or if, on the contrary, it is a turning point after almost two months of continuous decline. In any case, the Marina Baixa is the second region with the best prospects at the moment, only surpassed by the Marina Alta: in the entire Dénia health area there are only 20 sick people, and the incidence is so low in all localities that the only one that exceeds 25 cases per 100,000 inhabitants is Teulada, with a data that is still low, 45.

In these three days, 179 infections have been registered throughout the province , with almost anecdotal data in areas that were badly hit by the third wave: in the entire Alcoy health area there have only been two new cases, and in Elda eight . The one in Elche-Crevillent also stands out with only seven infections. On the contrary, in Torrevieja there have been 56, the highest number by far. However, the total number of active cases has fallen from 54 to 41, and with it the incidence has also dropped to 22.04, the third best figure in the demarcation. The number of patients in the province as a whole has fallen again by almost 23% and stands at 574.

At the local level, the only worrying incidence is that of Catral , with 277.81 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, although it is lower than last Tuesday . The evolution in Banyeres is also favorable, with a rate of 113.19. All the other municipalities in the province are below 100, except for some anecdotal exception because it is a town with little population, and very few are above 50; Some of the Vega Baja stand out in this regard, such as San Miguel de Salinas (99.44), Bigastro (89.11) and Callosa de Segura (68.28), but all of them are getting better. In the city of Alicante the rate is 49.57, and in Elche it is 34.41. Of the remaining towns with more than 50,000 inhabitants, the most significant data is that of San Vicente del Raspeig (46.24); that is, they are all at low risk.

Where the impact of the third wave of the pandemic continues to be noticed is, instead, in the number of deaths . In three days, 21 people have died in the province, seven of them in the department of the General Hospital of Alicante . In La Vila Joiosa there have been four deaths, and three in Torrevieja. For its part, two have been registered in Dénia, and one in Sant Joan d'Alacant, Elda, Elche General Hospital, Orihuela and Elche-Crevillent. In Alcoy there have been no deaths since last Tuesday.

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