The Valencian Community will this week have the largest shipment of vaccines of the entire pandemic

The Consell plans to reach 270,000 vials when the usual is around 100,000 per week - AstraZeneca increases injectables to 109,000, Pfizer to 125,000 and Moderna maintains 35,000

Reception this Easter Monday in Valencia of the new extra doses of Pfizer for this week.

Reception this Easter Monday in Valencia of the new extra doses of Pfizer for this week. INFORMATION

The Community expects to have this week the largest weekly shipment of vaccines so far of the entire pandemic . ome of the drug will increase vials sent over previous weeks , there is virtually reach nearly triple the available so far. The usual thing was to have between 100,000 to 120,000 vaccines each week and for these seven days it is expected to reach among the three firms that so far reach Europe, and therefore the Community, with around 270,000 vaccines.

However, from Health they avoid pronouncing on the long-awaited mass vaccination process for the entire population, which had initially been announced from the Consell as of this April. It cannot be carried out as long as the aforementioned rate of increase in vaccines does not occur continuously over time.

At the moment, to the 109,000 AstraZeneca that arrived on Friday -initially 120,000 were announced, but they were reduced after the final remittance that the Ministry of Health was able to distribute to the autonomies, among which 10% correspond to the Community-, they add another 125,000 vaccines from Pfizer and another around 35,000 that Moderna would maintain .

With which Health can already start the inoculation of new age groups this week , which in fact it has already begun to call, is with the AstraZeneca received last week.

On the other hand, another 125,000 vials from Pfizer have been received, while those from Moderna are expected throughout the week, without the Health department having been able to specify the specific day.

Added to the set of vaccines that the Ministry of Health plans to have, some 270,000 vials, the figure is almost three times what has been usual so far, when around 100,000 to 120,000 vials were being received.

Although the goal set by the Council regarding the age groups to be progressively vaccinated is that those over 80 years of age should be vaccinated at the end of March, April has finally started without having achieved this goal yet. The completion of the vaccination of people over 80 years of age has been officially postponed by the Generalitat for this week, on which the Minister of Health specified that "it has already been administered to practically 90% of these people."

From the department headed by the minister Ana Barceló, they abound that this last population group includes those between 80 and 89 years old, and that up to 43% of all of them are fully immunized, with the two corresponding doses of Pfizer.

To complete the vaccination process for all these people over the next six days, throughout this week, more than 60,000 people must be injected with a first dose of Pfizer and another 138,000, the second, but at least with one dose, Barceló says which could have been concluded this same Wednesday, the 7th.

The vaccination of people aged 79 to 70 years in descending progression is also underway as a premiere . The elderly among this group of citizens have already begun to be warned to come to the vaccination points from Tuesday, April 6. For this process, both the new vials received on Easter Monday from Pfizer and those from Moderna will be used, which will also serve to complete the inoculation of those over 80 years of age in parallel.

The operation already covers 63-year-olds in health centers

The vaccination operation this week is organized so that those from 79 to 70 years old begin to receive the first dose of Pfizer, as agreed by the Ministry of Health and the autonomies in the last meeting that adjusted the calendar again to expand the doses of AstraZeneca to new age groups as well. In fact, this other vaccine will be inoculated to people from 65 to 55 years old . Those who head this age group have also begun to be notified since last week through sms messages as confirmed by the consulted health centers. Receiving more doses of AstraZeneca has even led to the extension of vaccination advisories to 63-year-olds.

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