Objective: To vaccinate in two months the 173,527 of over 70 year-olds


At the same time and in two days, 96,000 64 and 65 year olds are summoned to the Community

Vaccinate people over 70 at Lo Morant health center.

Vaccinate people over 70 at Lo Morant health center. HÉCTOR FUENTES

The 173,527 people between 70 and 79 years registered in the province may be immunized against the coronavirus within two months, provided that the current rate of receipt of vials is maintained over time, as they insist on pointing out from the department that directs the minister Ana Barceló .

It is practically the same time that it has taken to conclude, this week, the vaccination of half of the people, in this case the 82,184 between 80 and 89 years of age in the province, because the reception of vaccines until the moment has been much less.

From Health they have reiterated ad nauseam that the rate of vaccination depended on the vials that are received and according to the day of this Tuesday in the various vaccination points of the province, the objective seems to be within reach.

At the same time that those over 70 (from 79 years and under) are progressively cited in health centers such as Lo Morant in Alicante , who are going to receive the Pfizer doses , those who are between 64 are also being called and 65 years who are inoculated with AstraZeneca . In this last age range, Health plans to administer more than 96,000 vaccines in two days throughout the community, out of the 109,000 received on Good Friday, when it was also vaccinated as on Saturday.

In the Alicante Field Hospital, 6,480 people aged 64 and 65 have been summoned these two days , with the same operation that was used for the mass vaccination of teachers, which served as a successful trial for these new appointments. The medical director of Primary Care, Inés Montiel , highlights that "the morning session has passed without incident and, as has happened with the teaching staff, there has again been a high participation in this age group."

The El Toscar de Elche pavilion also plans to host another 6,000 citizens of Elche, Santa Pola, Crevillent and Aspe between 64 and 65 years old. In intensive morning and afternoon shifts, nearly 4,000 were inoculated on the first day, which will serve for the massive vaccination that is planned to be carried out at IFA's facilities. By the fairgrounds it is expected to summon 20,000 each week, in a plan that is still pending that the arrival of vaccines continues to increase . The mayor, Carlos González, stresses that progress in vaccinationit is «the tool to stop the fourth wave. The way to have incidence rates that allow us to recover spaces normally ». "We continue with the immunization of people over 80 years of age and we are starting with the 78 and 79-year-olds, who are being supplied with Pzifer and Moderna," adds the director of Public Health, Antonia Soriano.

The director of Primary Care Nursing of the Alcoy Health Department, Amparo Ferrer , also highlights the "success" of the day, with 2,560 cited. He warns that there are fewer than those who are that age, but that they will continue to be summoned next week in the ward, and in health centers those between 75 and 80 years old.

The Torrevieja Municipal Leisure Center has summoned 4,000 65-year-olds in two days between large panels of views of the pink lagoon, the salt flats, the beaches or the Ferrís palm grove to "humanize" this massive vaccination, as pointed out from the City Council, which has invested 14,000 euros in an emergency contract to adapt the site.

Health centers try to increase consultation assistance

Primary Care Physicians admit that low infection rates allow opening the hand

The health centers yesterday accused the return to normal activity after the Easter holidays, with the intention of opening their hands to increase face-to-face care to the patient as much as possible.

From the centers consulted by this newspaper, Primary Care doctors admit that the current evolution of the pandemic allows more people to be summoned in person, which in the case of centers such as Florida in Alicante, than in the same The enclosure cares for specialties, generated on Tuesday a fairly large and unusual patient attendance in recent months.

The premise with which we continue to work, in any case, maintains the requirement of the distance between patients, so the «filter» continues to prevail, as explained in other health centers, so that patients do not crowd into waiting rooms in any case.

The practically completed vaccination of both health workers and those over 80 years of age also favors an in-person appointment with those with progressive chronic pathologies to try to recover the rhythm of care that has been very limited .

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