In an article today in,  it has been announced that the permiter restriction around the Valencian region (which includes the provinces of Alicante, Valencia and Castellón, and has been in place since October 30th 2020) is to be lifted when the Spanish state of alarm ends on May 9th.


Puig confirms that on May 9 the perimeter closure of the Valencian Community will be lifted

The president of the Consell affirms that other measures such as the curfew are being considered

The Civil Guard controls that the perimeter closure of the Valencian Community is complied with.

The Civil Guard controls that the perimeter closure of the Valencian Community is complied with. ÁXEL ÁLVAREZ

The president of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig, has confirmed that this coming May 9 , coinciding with the end of the state of alarm, the perimeter closure of the Valencian Community will be lifted . Puig, who has appeared after a meeting with social agents, has assured that the Consell is not currently considering the implementation of other perimeter closures at the local and provincial level, on the basis that the epidemiological situation of the Community is in these favorable moments .

What is being studied is the maintenance of other measures such as the curfew , although it has not been decided whether it will be maintained at ten o'clock at night or whether it will be delayed. "All these issues will be subjected to analysis based on epidemiological reports ," stressed Puig, who added that although the situation has improved and vaccines are making progress, "the virus is still there and there continue to be deaths and hospitalized patients. at the hospital".

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