The incidence of the coronavirus in the province of Alicante continues to grow and is already 33 cases per 100,000 inhabitants

Contagions increase in most departments and Elche remains at medium risk, as well as several towns where the rate increases, such as Teulada, Santa Pola, Calp and Orihuela.

PCR testing point at Elda Hospital during the third wave of the pandemic.

PCR testing point at Elda Hospital during the third wave of the pandemic.

The incidence of the coronavirus maintains the slow but constant growth of recent weeks in the province of Alicante, and already stands at practically 33 cases per 100,000 inhabitants , specifically at 32.83, according to the data released this Tuesday by the Ministry of Health . The increase has been almost two points in relation to the previous revision of the figures, published last Friday. In these four days, the number of sick people has risen by 34, from the 578 affected then to the current 612.

Active cases have grown in most health departments. There are two that are especially ahead, that of the General Hospital of Elche and that of Sant Joan d'Alacant. The first has the highest rate in the province, the only one above the medium risk threshold, 57.43, with 96 patients, while the second is the one with the highest absolute number of affected, 99, with an incidence that it rises to 44.2 and occupies the third position, behind the Orihuela area , which is at 44.64. The latter, however, is one of the few that improve their numbers, although there are still 75 patients.


Dénia and La Vila Joiosa also present indices above the provincial average: 35.16 and 33.36, respectively, although in the second of these departments the situation also improves slightly. For their part, the General Hospital of Alicante and Torrevieja are at low risk, with 27.57 and 27.24 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, respectively. For their part, Elda, Alcoy and Elche-Crevillent are at minimal risk, with respective rates of 22.17, 21.21 and 15.27.

The number of municipalities with a rate above the minimum risk threshold amounts to 37 , and also in most of them the indicator in question is on the rise. There are ten localities in a medium risk situation and one in high risk, Benferri , where the incidence has risen to 203.56 . Of course, it should be remembered that this data is largely explained by the small population, of less than 2,000 people; the sick, in absolute numbers, are only four. This circumstance is also applicable to Orba , where three cases have been detected that have generated an index of 134.41 .

However, there are other circumstances in larger localities that are of more concern. Teulada is the first municipality of significant size that registers an incidence greater than 100 since the third wave remitted ; right now there are 12 active cases, which generate an indicator of 106.4 per 100,000. Santa Pola also evolves negatively , with 25 patients and a rate of 75.07. And the situation in Calp does not improve either , with continuous ups and downs in recent weeks; Since last Friday the numbers have worsened again, and now there are 16 affected, giving an incidence of 68.59. Orihuela is also at medium risk, whose rate rises slightly again and stands at 62.42, with 49 sick people; given that in the homonymous department the incidence is generally low, it is possible to suspect that the increase in cases is confined above all to the coastal area, attached to the Torrevieja Hospital. Another town where the outlook is somewhat worse than last Friday is Almoradí , with 12 active cases, 56.58 per 100,000 inhabitants.

Apart from Orihuela, the rest of the large municipalities in the province are at low risk, most with an incidence that ranges between 30 and 40 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. This is the case in Alicante (38.82), Elche (37.06), Benidorm (34.07), Elda (32.19) and Dénia (30.35) , while Torrevieja stands out above with 41.34 . For its part, San Vicente del Raspeig returns to worsen its data although the rate it reaches is not at all high, 27.13 , while Alcoy remains exactly the same as on Friday of last week with 25.27 .



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