The Consell plans to delay the curfew at midnight and that the bars will open until 11pm

The limitations after the state of alarm have been sent to the Supreme Court for endorsement along with the expansion of social gatherings to 10 people and the capacity of places of worship to 75%

The current perimeter closure of the Community ends this Sunday, May 9.  |  HÉCTOR FUENTES

The current perimeter closure of the Community ends this Sunday, May 9. | HÉCTOR FUENTES

Health officials in the Community, in view of the evolution of the epidemiological data of the pandemic of coronavirus , which keep the Community as the sole around the country -along with Baleares- incidence below 50 each 100,000 inhabitants , and the basic reproduction or cases that infect each infected in 0.89, have been proposed to relax some of the current measures as of the lifting of the perimeter closure when the state of alarm wanes this Sunday, May 9 .

The extension of the hours in the hospitality sector from 10 p.m. to 11 p.m., proposed to partially meet the sector's request, may enter into force as long as it is confirmed by the interdepartmental commission made up of the Botànic groups, PSPV-PSOE , Compromís and Unides-Podem and which is scheduled to meet this Saturday, May 8.

The reduction of the curfew from 10 pm to midnight is also proposed , (so that mobility would be limited from midnight to 6 am) needs the endorsement of the Supreme Court as it affects fundamental rights and does not have the shelter of the state of alarm that the Government eliminates as of Sunday.

The Generalitat has already requested the judgment of the judges in this regard , as well as to limit the capacity in places of worship to 75% and meetings of no more than 10 people in both public and private spaces.

"The situation is relatively good, stricter measures would no longer make sense"



The Botànic's political groups have agreed to approve this gradual de-escalation, but in no case will it become effective until the High Court of Justice of Valencia ratifies it. The president of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig, emphasizes his confidence in the "sensitivity" shown so far by the Supreme Court, so that, from the outset, he does not contemplate the possibility of being forced to appeal to the Supreme Court in the event that he does not The measures on mobility and meetings of people planned to replace the state of alarm will be endorsed. They also trust from his cabinet that the resolution of the Supreme Court will not wait.

“I don't see it prudent for the perimeter fence to open, it worries me. You should wait another month »



Regarding the extension of social meetings to 10 people, the vice president of the Consell (Compromís), Mónica Oltra , previously stated that she considers it appropriate to take into account that, if the meetings in question are of two family nuclei in one home, the number of members can even be expanded, taking into account large families.

"They are appropriate measures in the line of prudence recommended by health advisers"



However, none of the groups that make up the Botànic considers the conjunction of new measures to be adopted closed until the aforementioned commission officially meets and Health puts on the table the latest data on the evolution of the pandemic. In the same way, it is planned to include some other measures pending to be specified, as assured by sources from the Consell.


Among the health experts consulted in this regard, the professor of Public Health at the UMH, Ildefonso Hernández, considers the proposed measures adequate, in line with what is recommended to the Consell and of whose advisory group he is a part. The specialist in Intensive Medicine at the General Hospital of Alicante, José Miguel Mataix, also advocates greater relaxation because the epidemiological situation "is relatively good and stricter measures will not make sense." And from the Society of Preventive Medicine, Rafael Ortí emphasizes his concern about the perimeter lifting and that infections rebound, due to the attraction of the coast for other communities with more infections.


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