The ICUs of seven hospitals in the province, free of coronavirus (

Three health centres in the province have one or no person admitted to the plant for the covid

A nurse making the victory sign in the ICU of the General University Hospital of Elda.

A nurse making the victory sign in the ICU of the General University Hospital of Elda.

A total of seven hospitals in the province of Alicante have only one person or nobody in the ICU for coronavirus . These centers are the Hospital de la Marina Baixa, the General University Hospital of Elche, the University Hospital of Torrevieja, the Virgen de Los Lirios Hospital, the General University of Elda, the Denia Hospital and the Vinalopó University Hospital.

What's more, the Vinalopó, Torrevieja and Virgen de los Lirios centers have one, not any person admitted to the plant because of the covid, according to the latest update from the Ministry of Health.

The number of people hospitalized for coronavirus in the Intensive Care Units (ICU) of the Valencian Community has plummeted 94% this year . The reduction has been 96.5% in hospitalizations in the ward. In fact, to date, the Valencian Community is the autonomous community with the lowest percentage of hospitalization due to covid in all of Spain (1.36%) and the second in ICU bed occupancy (4.11%), behind the city Autonomous Region of Melilla, according to the latest update from the Ministry of Health.

The month of January closed with 670 people in the Valencian ICUs. To date, the hospitals in the Valencian Community serve 40 people in their ICUs (-94%). In fact, a total of 14 hospitals in the Valencian network have one or no person admitted in critical condition due to coronavirus , according to the latest available data. Of these centers, two are in the province of Castellón (Hospital Comarcal de Vinaròs and Hospital General Universitario de Castellón); five are in Valencia (Manises Hospital, Requena General Hospital, Doctor Peset University Hospital, Francesc de Borja Hospital and Lluís Alcanyís Hospital) and the remaining seven are from the province of Alicante.

Regarding the situation in the hospitalization floors, on January 25 there were 4,777 patients and, currently, 168. Specifically, there are five centers that have one or no person with covid on the floor: General Hospital of Ontinyent, Hospital Virgen de Los Lirios, Vinalopó University Hospital, Requena General Hospital and Torrevieja University Hospital.

These levels of occupation in the plant, which even being hopeful should not lower our guard because the pandemic continues to be active, had not been registered since last August. In the last month, the occupancy reduction in ICU beds has been 48% (from 77 people with coronavirus to 40) and 55% in the ward (from 374 to 168).

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