The province of Alicante is the first in Spain to enter the new normal by dropping the virus rate to 25


Alicante faces the de-escalation with the best panorama of the whole country and only Valencia is in a similar situation - Ximo Puig rules out despite everything a total opening of the hotel industry and advocates maintaining some restrictions

Mass vaccination carried out in the Ciudad de la Luz enclosure, in Alicante.

Mass vaccination carried out in the Ciudad de la Luz enclosure, in Alicante. HÉCTOR FUENTES

The province of Alicante has entered a new normal situation by dropping the incidence of active cases per 100,000 inhabitants in 14 days from 25 , as corroborated by the data released yesterday by the Ministry of Health. The average of the ten health departments in the demarcation is 24.28. Since the previous update of the figures , last Friday, there has been a decrease of three points, and of 50 active cases in absolute terms. There are currently 469 sick people in the entire district.

The situation is even more favorable according to data from the Carlos III Health Institute, which has a margin of lag with those of Health because they do not coincide exactly in time. The state body gives the province of Alicante an incidence of 20.39, the lowest in all of Spain . The only demarcation with a similar situation is Valencia, which, according to these data, is also in a new normal with 24.29; Sanidad gives you a rate close to 30.


The reduction in the contagion rate has been almost general in Alicante health areas. Only in three of them has there been an increase. One is Sant Joan d'Alacant, which has the highest rate in the province with 46.88, and another is Dénia, in second place in the ranking with 35.75. The third is Elda, which however is in a new normal with an index of 15.83. So are La Vila Joiosa, General Hospital of Alicante, Alcoy and Elche-Crevillent. These last two departments have reached an almost testimonial presence of the virus, with a minimal incidence of 6.58 and 5.73 respectively.

In local terms, there are some municipalities above the medium risk threshold, 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, but they are the least . It is worth noting, however, a few of outstanding size. Mutxamel is the most populated of them all; has 15 affected and a rate of 58.49. The situation is very similar in Calp, with 14 patients and an incidence of 60.02; neighboring Benissa, with just over half the population, has 10 active cases but its rate is 88.59. For its part, in Albatera there are seven affected and the rate is at 56.12.


The highest incidence in the province continues to be that of Jacarilla, with 450.45, an apparently very bulky figure, but it is elevated because it is a population of only 2,000 inhabitants . Of course, the situation remains as it is last Friday, with nine active cases. There are two other extreme incidents in the province, but in even smaller towns, Penàguila and l'Atzúbia, where there are actually only one and two active cases, respectively.

A slow de-escalation

The president of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig, nevertheless rules out that from next weekend there will be a total opening of the hotel business. This was stated yesterday at the end of an act in Valencia and questions from journalists about the end of the extension of the restrictions by the Superior Court of Justice scheduled for next Monday.

It should be remembered that the highest judicial body of the Valencian Community endorsed the Generalitat to maintain the curfew until midnight, the limitation of groups to ten people and the capacity in places of worship. This week the Consell must decide whether to request a new extension of these measures and Puig has manifested himself for continuing with a prudent de-escalation.

“The decisions that are going to be made are not going to be disruptive. The roadmap is predictable and clear, ”said Puig. "From this weekend there will not be a total opening," the president warned, adding that the effects that last weekend may have on the evolution of the pandemic are still unknown, the first complete without a state of alarm and without perimeter closure. "You have to be careful to get to the summer in the best conditions," he remarked. Puig also considered that the curfew has been a good measure, since it "sends the message that the pandemic is not over."

Health notifies 47 new cases in one day in the Alicante regions

The Ministry of Health notified 47 new cases of coronavirus in the province yesterday , which maintains stability in infections although the figure is somewhat higher than previous days. In this way, there are already 147,192 people infected in the demarcation since March 2020. Hospital pressure continues to decline, although this time it does so in only one patient, which leaves the number of people admitted for coronavirus in the province at 39. It is the lowest figure since August 6, 2020. Of course, the number of admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) remains unchanged: ten people. However, there is no need to regret new deaths, so the accumulated number of deaths caused by the pandemic in the Alicante region continues to be 2,827.

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