Vaccines slow the sixth wave with 90% fewer deaths

A study by the Generalitat indicates that non-immunized people have twice the risk of being hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit - The risk of death is three times greater without inoculation

A woman getting vaccinated in one of the points enabled these days in Alicante.  |  HÉCTOR FUENTES

A woman getting vaccinated in one of the points enabled these days in Alicante. | HÉCTOR FUENTES

Vaccination against the coronavirus reduces the number of hospitalizations and admissions to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) by 75% , and deaths by 90%, according to a study prepared by the General Directorate of Analysis and Public Policies of the Generalitat , the results of which were reported yesterday by the regional government. The report, according to sources from the Consell, shows that the relationship of cases and hospital pressure has radically changed with the vaccination strategy.

Thus, apart from this drastic reduction in hospitalizations and mortality, according to the analysis, people with COVID-19 who are not vaccinated or have incomplete vaccination suffer twice the risk of being hospitalized. In addition, the risk of death is multiplied by three in the case of the unvaccinated . The results of the study, carried out from the summer, when vaccination was very advanced, reflect that the impact on mortality attributable to covid-19 is significantly lower than that of the wave of early 2021, when the population was not vaccinated.

The main conclusion is that the vaccines are proving to be very effective on the severity of the cases. All the indicators of severity, such as hospitalizations, ICU admissions and deaths, show an indisputable decrease , emphasize the same sources. The disease is manifesting mostly mildly. And it is also relevant that vaccinated people between 60 and 80 years old have a risk of death 14 times lower than those who are not vaccinated. In those over 30 years of age, the risk of hospitalization is 8 times lower for those vaccinated.

The study of vaccine effectiveness has also been set in the sector of health professionals in the Valencian Community, who have three times the risk of being hospitalized than those health professionals who are not vaccinated or with incomplete vaccination and multiply the risk of death by 2.5 . The vaccine in this area has reduced hospitalizations by 73% and deaths by 65%.

Given these data, the general director of Analysis and Public Policies of the Generalitat, Ana Berenguer, emphasizes that "one of the main conclusions is that vaccines are proving to be very effective in reducing the severity of cases." The high reduction in hospitalizations and deaths in relation to previous waves represents, in his opinion, an endorsement of the great effort that the population is carrying out during the immunization campaign. That confidence, he adds, is also reflected in the results of the 2021 Barometer of the Generalitat, "which shows a society that is mostly proud and hopeful ."

In this last sociological study, the health system of the Community is also reinforced, as pointed out by the general director. As he explains, 72% of those surveyed "make a positive assessment of vaccination management." For this reason, he considers that the data "support the Consell's vaccination strategy" , before the campaign to immunize children under 12 years of age begins, as of today. "Vaccines are undoubtedly the best tool we have in the fight against covid," he insists.

At the same time, 826,510 people have already received a booster dose in the Community, 308,715 of them in the province of Alicante, reports B. Figueira. In addition, 19,754 people have been immunized against the coronavirus at drop-in vaccination points deployed throughout the autonomous territory, 5,757 in the Alicante demarcation.

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