Health reopens vaccine centres to free up health centers and accelerate the third doses

The conselleria prioritizes the vaccination of those over 60 years of age and begins with those of AstraZeneca - The summons will again be via SMS (text message)

The El Toscar de Elche sports center reopened its doors yesterday to vaccinate.  |  ANTONIO AMORÓS

The El Toscar de Elche sports center reopened its doors yesterday to vaccinate. | ANTONIO AMORÓS

The objective is to decongest a saturated Primary Care that this new wave of the pandemic is leaving on the brink of collapse and accelerate the revaccination of the elderly.

The Ministry of Health will open in the next few days throughout the Valencian Community 42 vaccination centers where people over 60 years of age will be massively immunized , those who received the Janssen single-dose vaccine and will also begin to immunize the vaccinated with AstraZeneca , mostly teachers and other essential professions like Policemen. Health still does not give dates to administer booster doses to those under 60 years of age , since it should be remembered that the order of the Ministry of Health is that everyone over 40 be immunized.

With the opening of these massive vaccination points, the way in which patients are summoned will also change. You will no longer be able to make an appointment through the Health app, or the web, or the counters of health centers. The department will be the one that you cite via SMS or by phone as it did until the end of the vaccination campaign last September. With this measure, the aim is to prioritize vaccination by age groups and first protect older people, and then go down.

These points will be located in places such as sports centers, retirement homes or spaces integrated into hospitals and for the moment Health rules out that the facilities of both IFA and Ciudad de la Luz will be opened . In parallel, the drop-in vaccination points for the first and second doses will continue to operate. In fact, this week there will be 23 mobile points in operation.

The El Toscar de Elche sports center reopened its doors yesterday to vaccinate.  |  ANTONIO AMORÓS

The El Toscar de Elche sports center reopened its doors yesterday to vaccinate. | ANTONIO AMORÓS

In Elche, the El Toscar sports center has been reopened from Monday until Thursday for the vaccination of the two health departments. The influx on the first day has been massive. In principle, 13,000 doses will be given to all those who are being summoned via SMS, both belonging to the health department of the General Hospital, and those of Vinalopó. The Toscar was closed as a vaccination point on September 28 and today it has reopened as such.

At the Sant Joan Hospital, a massive vaccination will be carried out in the skylight starting this Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. and the objective is to maintain some type of device during the holidays.

A group of workers removes beds and mattresses from the Alicante field hospital.  |  JOSE NAVARRO

A group of workers removes beds and mattresses from the Alicante field hospital. | JOSE NAVARRO

The department of Marina Baixa is going to open two vaccination points. One of them in Benidorm, at the La Torreta Social Center, a place that has already functioned as a vaccination location. In addition, the La Vila Joiosa Auditorium will open again. In Alcoy there is also from this Monday until Thursday a vaccination point in the hospital.

Health needs to speed up the administration of third doses of the vaccine against covid, taking into account that the sixth wave is advancing at a dizzying speed and that only 38% of people between 60 and 69 years old have the dose of reinforcement, the lowest figure in all of Spain. The health centers have not provided enough since the sixth wave of the coronavirus pandemic began since it also coincides with the vaccination campaign against the flu and third doses against the covid, to which the immunization of children in the schools. In addition, next week the holidays of the health personnel begin. As has been happening for years, Health will close the health centers in the afternoons, starting at 5:00 p.m., between December 27 and January 7.

On the other hand, a group of workers yesterday removed the beds and mattresses from the field hospital to donate them to geriatric residences, as sources from the center have confirmed to this newspaper. The Generalitat was scheduled to dismantle the field hospital this December, but there have been delays and this operation may not be carried out until January.

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