Two more deaths bring the number of deaths to nine in a week and daily infections set a record

The province registers 247 new cases, hospital admissions increase by 26 in one day to 132 and there are already 25 patients in ICU - Ten outbreaks in Torrevieja, Dénia, Ondara, Dolores, Callosa de Segura and Pinoso

Entry control in a health center in Elche. ANTONIO AMORÓS

Two more deaths from coronavirus yesterday in a week that closes with nine deaths in the province. Hospital admissions in one day also rose by 27 to 132, of which 25, five more, are in the ICU . This is the balance of the daily data offered by the Ministry of Health. New infections reach 247, the highest number since the peak of 412 registered on March 29.

The Valencian Community registered 714 new coronavirus infections confirmed by PCR test, which put the total number of positives at 26,746 people. By provinces: 247 in the province of Alicante (8,334 in total); 54 in Castellón (2,875 in total); and 413 in the province of Valencia (15,531 in total). Additionally, there are six unassigned cases.

The hospitals have 413 people admitted: 132 in the province of Alicante, 25 of them in the ICU; 48 in the province of Castellón, with 4 patients in the ICU; and 233 in the province of Valencia, 30 of them in the ICU.

There are 5,838 active cases, which represents 16.45% of the total positives.

The number of deaths in the Community was high compared to what had been recorded in recent months. Eight people lost their lives, two of them in Alicante, five in the province of Valencia and another in Castellón.

On the other hand, 786 patients with coronavirus were discharged, so that the total of people cured since the start of the pandemic stands at 28,118, of them 8,755 in Alicante.

In the province, ten coronavirus outbreaks were known yesterday of the 38 that occurred in the Community as a whole. In Torrevieja there were three, two of them with four cases and another with three. Two of social origin and another labor. Two added Dénia, with six cases each, one of social origin and another work. Ondara had two, with four and five cases, both of labor origin. Dolores and Callosa de Segura suffered one each with three and four cases respectively and both of social origin. In Pinoso, an outbreak was detected with four work-related cases.

According to the data provided yesterday by the Minister for Health, Ana Barceló, 99.6% of outbreaks occur in the community. Of these, 67.8% are social, while 17.8% are of work origin and 5.5% occur in nursing homes.

In addition, he again stressed that the pyramid has been inverted in terms of the age of those infected. The largest number of cases, 36.5, is now concentrated in the age group between 35 and 64 years , followed by 35.4% of cases that now occur between 15 and 34 years. In this circumstance, it influences the fact that 40.35% of cases are asymptomatic , so that hospital pressure is much lower in relation to infections, although admissions continue to increase.



The Ministry of Health notified 10,476 new cases of coronavirus in Spain yesterday, of which 4,503 were diagnosed on Thursday, and added another 184 deaths to the total number, which thus rises to 29,418, of which 256 have died in the last week. This number of new infections is the highest since the start of the pandemic. In this way, 498,989 people have already been diagnosed with covid-19 in Spain. Madrid was once again the community most affected by this new acceleration of the virus, with 3,245 more positives (30% of the total) and it is also the one that presented the highest number of deaths, with 94 in the last 7 days. Andalusia was behind, with 1,014 new infections and 20 deaths in one week; the Valencian Community, with 714, and 13, respectively, and the Basque Country, with 712, the bulk of them, 678, confirmed on Thursday, although this region did not report any deaths. Precisely the Community of Madrid, the one most affected by the pandemic, yesterday presented its new measures to contain the advance of the coronavirus in the region, such as the limitation to ten people in public and private meetings, the reduction of capacity in different public spaces, the ban on dances at weddings and the carrying out of two million rapid tests. The rules will begin to apply on Monday and will be reviewed every 15 days. the ban on dances at weddings and the carrying out of two million rapid tests. The rules will begin to apply on Monday and will be reviewed every 15 days. the ban on dances at weddings and the carrying out of two million rapid tests. The rules will begin to apply on Monday and will be reviewed every 15 days.


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