The province doubles in a week the number of admitted to ICUs with 31 patients and almost equals those of Valencia

The number of people in the Intensive Care Units is at the levels of mid-May, six more than last Friday - The number of new infections stabilizes over the weekend, with 135 more cases

Assistance to a patient with coronavirus in the ICU of the Hospital de Sant Joan. PILAR CORTES

No brake. The coronavirus admissions in the Intensive Care Units of the province of Alicante continue to increase and are already at the levels of the middle of last May. According to the latest data provided by the Ministry of Health, there are currently 31 people who require intensive care due to covid-19. They are six more than in the update last Friday and more than double than a week ago, when there were 14 patients in the ICU. The number of people in Intensive Care in the province is also similar to that registered in neighboring Valencia, where 34 patients remain in the ICU.

For the moment, the situation is not one of collapse in these units, since the province has about 200 beds for critically ill patients, both in public hospitals and in the private network. In the worst of the first wave of the pandemic, at the beginning of April, there were 144 people admitted to the ICU and in many hospitals it was necessary to resort to anesthesiology areas to avoid running out of respirators . As for the number of people who remain hospitalized, there are 138, also six more than last Friday.

On the other hand, the province of Alicante has registered 135 new cases of coronavirus since last Saturday, the date of the last update. This figure represents a slight containment compared to Monday last week, when 178 cases were reported, and compared to last week, when there were more than 200 daily cases. In the whole of the Valencian Community there have been 502 new contagions notified by PCR test, the majority in the province of Valencia, with 340. On the other hand, the province has registered three new outbreaks of social origin in Orihuela, with five cases; Pinoso, with three and Villena with five. There is a fourth outbreak of labor origin in Torrevieja and that affects three people.

In the last hours, seven deaths have been registered in the Valencian Community. Although Health has not located any of these deaths in the province of Alicante, which remains with a total balance of 528 deaths, this newspaper has confirmed the death of two residents in a nursing home in Pilar de la Horadada in which a outbreak that affects almost half of its residents.

On the other hand, 1,279 patients with coronavirus have been discharged, so the total number of people cured since the start of the pandemic stands at 29,397: 3,536 in Castellón, 9,094 in Alicante and 16,687 in Valencia. In addition, there are 80 unassigned registrations. Thus, there are currently 5,731 active cases, which represents 15.63% of the total number of positives.

To date, there are some positive cases in 45 nursing homes (4 in the province of Castellón, 16 in the province of Alicante and 25 in the province of Valencia), 6 centers for people with functional diversity (2 in the province of Castellón, 1 in Alicante and 3 in Valencia) and 4 centers for minors (1 in the province of Castellón, 2 in the province of Alicante and 1 in the province of Valencia). Currently, 7 residences in the Valencian Community are under active surveillance of health control: 2 in the province of Alicante and 5 in the province of Valencia. The most worrying situation occurs in a nursing home in Pilar de la Horadada, which in the last hours has been intervened by the Generalitat Valenciana. 54 of its 120 residents have tested positive for covid-19 in PCR tests.

On the other hand, Elche has reached 37,000 PCR tests to detect covid cases since the confinement began in March, although most have been carried out during the last two months. In fact, only in August there were 9,500 when the number of infections soared and several outbreaks were registered. That month, practically the number of tests performed by both hospitals was on par. Since the pandemic began, according to municipal sources, more than 60% of tests have been carried out in the General Hospital or its health centers (23,300), while the rest corresponds to the Vinalopó Hospital and its respective health centers.

Finally, a court in València has cited as accused or investigated the director of Human Resources of the Ministry of Health, Carmen López, and the director of the General Hospital of Alicante, Miguel Ángel García, in a case opened due to lack of supply of means of protection (EPIS) against COVID-19 to health professionals by the Public Health of the Community.



The Ministry of Health recognizes that the situation has not improved in the Valencian Community in recent weeks, which is why it has decided to further extend the measures adopted on August 17, which mainly affect entertainment venues. This extension was already announced days ago by the president of the Generalitat Valenciana, Ximo Puig and in the resolution published yesterday by the DOGV it is recognized that the evolution of the pandemic has not improved with these measures. «The latest epidemiological report shows that the traceability of

cases in the Valencian Community have not improved in the last three weeks, on the contrary it is found that there has been a significant increase in the measured number of daily cases ”, according to the DOGV. The R0 value, which indicates the number of cases that an infected person will cause, has been above 1 for several weeks, a figure considered worrisome by the Ministry. The Ministry of Health indicates that between August 22 and September 2, 4,029 new cases have been detected, which represents a cumulative incidence of 80.52 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. 

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