This week the Belgian government descaled our Valencian region from "red" to "orange" ( [UPDATE - BECAUSE OF THIS TUI ARE TO RESUME FLIGHTS FROM BELGIUM TO ALICANTE ON 21ST OCTOBER] and today this article in Diario Informacion ( explains more about the encouraging situation in our particular region which includes the provinces of Alicante, Valencia and Castellon.

It's also encouraging that the reported numbers of covid-19 pcr positive results for San Miguel de Salinas is holding steady at 36, which it has been on for the last few days now (  The situation is worse in Madrid and other parts of Spain, so if you're planning a trip to the Costa Blanca, don't include a quick visit to Madrid in your plans for now.

We all need to continue to heed the advice about masks, social distancing and washing hands, and at Villas Fox we continue to require all clients to wear face masks at all times, whether you are in our office, viewing properties, or when we visit you in your own home.  It can seem particularly strange to have to wear a mask in your own home, since it's where we feel the safest, but the virus doesn't know your address!  Keep safe everyone.


The Community leads the lowest rate of coronavirus infections in the entire country in the last 14 days

The 103.84 cases per 100,000 inhabitants place it more than 500 points in Navarra and Madrid, with the worst indices - The province reduces the positives except in Elche, Elda and Torrevieja

Covid sampling in a health center in the province.

Covid sampling in a health center in the province.

The Community has taken Galicia's leadership in the lowest rate of coronavirus infections , becoming the one that registers the fewest cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days. The 103.84 cases per 100,000 inhabitants place it more than 500 points from the worst situated, Navarra with 692.13 cases and Madrid, with 647.91% positive.

The downward progression in covid infections has been maintained in the Community in recent weeks, so that everything indicates that it can maintain this leadership in the coming days, despite the fact that both Galicia with 108.02 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, as the Canary Islands, with 109.97 cases, are within walking distance.


The current average of cases at the national level in the last 14 days is 269.49, more than 150 points above the contagions that the Community presents and that has led Belgium this week to open its borders to the three provinces.


These data are added to a percentage of positive cases per 100,000 inhabitants among the total of PCR tests carried out, which is also one of the best in all of Spain , with 7.7% in the last 14 days and 6.6% in the last day registered by the Ministry of Health.

The national average of PCR positives performed in 14 days is 11%, and 9.5% for the last day, so the Community is between 3 and 4 points from said average; and up to more than 11 points in Madrid, which is the autonomy that presents the worst indexes on the percentage of positive cases with 19.2%.

Both the infection rate and the percentage of positives are part of the new requirements set by the Ministry of Health when it comes to confining cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants, criteria to which is added the percentage of beds occupied by patients covid in the ICUs, and where the Valencian Community is also in the lead with 7.38%, a short distance from the 4.62% that Galicia shows and the 7% of Asturias. Madrid, with 42.61% occupancy, is still the only autonomy that exceeds the ICU limit, which has been set at 35%.


In updating the evolution of the pandemic, the province in turn comes out well with respect to the accumulated incidence of infections in the last three days. Only the towns of Elche, Elda and Torrevieja have worsened their records, while the rest of the municipalities have improved .

The three localities have rates twenty points higher, while Alicante has dropped four points, from 137.96 to 133.18; and Benidorm up to 42 points, from 133.87 cases to 91.68 in the last three days.


Other cities that have also put a stop to the coronavirus on the previous registered data are Villena or Dénia. The first is the one with the worst rates with 344.48 infections, and has gone to 162.82, more than 180 points in its favor in controlling the coronavirus in the last three days. For its part, the capital of the Marina Alta has cut its infection rate in half, from 277 to 139.92.

With regard to the total number of cases also registered in the last three days, the city of Valencia continues to top the list of the 10 towns in the Community with the highest volume of new positives with 505, followed albeit by a distance by Elche, with 146, and Alicante, with 143.

As a positive figure, the list of the ten localities with the most cases is now made up of four municipalities in the province and not seven, as they came to be in the month of August.

Elche and Alicante are joined by Orihuela and San Vicente, but both Benidorm and the aforementioned Dénia and La Vila leave the ranking, the latter with an accumulated rate of infections in the last three days of 95.

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