Puig proposes to declare the curfew in the Valencian Community from 0.00 to 6.00 hours until December 9


This measure will seek to avoid the escalation of coronavirus infections that the three provinces are suffering, Alicante in particular

The president of the Generalitat Valenciana, Ximo Puig , has announced that he will propose the declaration of a curfew in the Valencian Community between 00.00 and 06.00 hours until next December 9, a situation that will not affect workers on the shift. night. 

This measure will seek to avoid the escalation of coronavirus infections that this autonomy is suffering ( especially the province of Alicante ), which has gone in a few days from being the one with the least accumulated incidence of the virus to third position. The idea is that the  curfew  lasts until December 9 to arrive at Christmas with low numbers of infections by coronavirus that make it possible to combine greater mobility of citizens for the holidays.

Puig today held a round of contacts with the social agents and trustees of Les Corts to analyze the situation of the coronavirus pandemic and issues such as the possibility of asking the Government for a curfew in the Valencian Community.

The first to go to the Palau de la Generalitat were, at 12 in the morning, the social agents: the president of the CEV, Salvador Navarro , and the general secretaries of CCOO PV, Arturo León , and UGT-PV, Ismael Saez .

Then it was the turn of the PP trustee, Isabel Bonig , who yesterday requested an urgent meeting with the president to discuss the current situation and the solutions and proposals of the Consell "in the face of the worsening of the pandemic" and the announcement that the Consell I was studying asking for a curfew.

Bonig was followed by the president of the Valencian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FVMP), Rubén Alfaro , and late in the morning the Catalan Ombudsman, Toni Cantó , had been summoned , who was already at the Palau de la Generalitat on Monday, although it was to speak with Puig about the regional budgets for 2021.

The round will end with a meal by the president of the Generalitat with the three trustees of the Botànic groups: the socialist, Manolo Mata ; that of Compromís, Fran Ferri , and that of Unides Podem, Naiara Davó .

Vox has not been included in the contacts for this day , since those who supported the Pact for the reconstruction of the Valencian Community and those who have requested to meet with the president have been cited, according to sources from the Presidency of the Generalitat.

Support from employers and unions for the curfew

The regional employers' association CEV and the unions CC OO and UGT have shown their support this Thursday that in the Valencian Community a curfew can be applied between midnight and six in the morning until next December 9, to try to stop the advance of the coronavirus pandemic.

This has been pointed out by social agents after meeting at the Palau de la Generalitat with the head of the Consell, Ximo Puig, who, as they have explained, has transferred to them that the Generalitat will propose this afternoon at the Interterritorial Health Council a curfew in all of Spain , and if not possible, in the Valencian Community.

The president of the CEV, Salvador Navarro, and the regional leaders of the CCOO, Arturo León, and the UGT, Ismael Sáez, have agreed that the curfew measure would allow economic activity and the health fight against the pandemic to be compatible .

Survey: What do you think about this measure?

SURVEY: Are you for or against a curfew in the Valencian Community?


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Live: The news about the coronavirus in Alicante, minute by minute




Public Health considers the outbreak closed at the Casaverde private geriatric residence in Pilar de la Horadada but warns of the increase in cases in the urban area. More information .



The Councilor for Economic Promotion, Carles Molina , announced this morning that the Elche City Council has received  2,451,016 euros from the Generalitat Valenciana for the hiring of personnel in order to reinforce the fight against Covid-19 . More information.


The Ministry of Health has confirmed three new outbreaks of coronavirus in Elche, with 16 infections . Two of them have a  social origin,  one with six cases and another with five, while the third is of labor origin and affects five workers. More information . 

A PCR test in Elche, in a file image.

A PCR test in Elche, in a file image. ANTONIO AMORÓS


The three parties that support the Govern del Botànic (PSPV, Compromís and Unides Podem ) have supported the Generalitat's proposal to request a curfew throughout Spain. The curfew in Valencia would apply between 00.00 and 06.00 hours, and they have defended that "perhaps it is a measure that is not strictly necessary now, but history will show that it will be very useful", while they have indicated that " it will not have a high economic impact ", and that will allow " to safeguard the Christmas campaign ". More information.

The Botànic defends the curfew to & quot; save & quot;  the christmas campaign

The Botànic defends the curfew to "save" the Christmas campaign

Ximo Puig received social agents and political representatives this morning in Les Corts to analyze the situation of the coronavirus pandemic and the implementation of the curfew in the Valencian Community.

Disparity of criteria in the mayors of the province of Alicante on the curfew

This is what the mayors of Alicante, Elche, Benidorm, Orihuela, Torrevieja and Elda were saying before Ximo Puig's announcement this morning.

Mysterious covid in the province of Alicante

Elda and Petrer are two towns united by a street that the capricious  coronavirus  seems to have separated. They have similar characteristics and the neighbors interact daily, both in the workplace and in the educational, commercial, sports, residential, recreational and social spheres. However,  until last Sunday the cumulative incidence rate in Elda was 342 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, while in Petrer it was limited to 178 per 100,000 inhabitants . Read the full news here.

The bridge of October 9 and weddings and communions, keys in the escalation of cases in the last week

What has happened so that the good figures in which the Community moved have resulted in this  escalation of infections ? Public Health specialists are clear about it. We tell you about it here.

Toma de muestras para un test rápido de antígenos en Elche

Sampling for a rapid antigen test in Elche ANTONIO AMORÓS


In this map you can check the  cumulative incidence  of positive covid  cases  per 100,000 inhabitants  in the  municipalities of the province of  Alicante . This data is part of the new  criteria to be taken into account by the Government to increase  restrictions  in  municipalities with more than 100,000 inhabitants that meet these three conditions : having more than 500 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, having detected more than 10% positive and exceed 35% occupancy in ICUs.

Mapa de incidencia del coronavirus en la provincia de Alicante

Map of the incidence of coronavirus in the province of Alicante

Castilla y León also asks the Government to decree a curfew in its territory in the face of a situation that it describes as "frankly worrying". More information here.


Are you for or against a curfew in the Valencian Community? Vote on whether you agree with the measure proposed by the Generalitat.

SURVEY: Are you for or against a curfew in the Valencian Community?


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    3902 votes

The regional employers' association CEV and the unions CC OO and UGT have shown their  support  that a curfew can be applied in the Valencian Community to try to stop the advance of the coronavirus pandemic.

The idea is that the curfew in the Valencian Community lasts until December 9 to arrive at Christmas with low numbers of coronavirus infections that allow greater mobility of citizens for the holidays. Read all about Puig's proposal for a curfew from 0.00 to 6.00 am here .


Ximo Puig , president of the Generalitat Valenciana, proposes to declare the curfew from 0.00 to 6.00 hours until December 9 in the Valencian Community. More information .

Objective of the curfew: the bottles and private parties . In social and family gatherings is where up to seven out of ten new infections are concentrated. Read Victoria Salinas' analysis here .

The Ministry of Health will not allow mass parties to be held on Halloween given the current epidemiological situation. Only minority activities with very controlled capacity will be authorized. More information.

The bridge of October 9 and weddings and communions, key in the escalation of cases in the last week in the Valencian Community. The greater mobility and social gatherings during the holidays trigger contagion u The pandemic leaves one deceased and 251 more cases. More information.

Toma de muestras para un test rápido de antígenos en Elche. | ANTONIO AMORÓS

Sampling for a rapid antigen test in Elche. | ANTONIO AMORÓS

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